This is the Otto Peetoom Legacy Website.
Visit the new South African Collectors' Society website.

Unadopted Photographic Essays
Essays by Bradbury, Wilkinson - The 1933 Issue was Printed De La Rue
Spink in their 9 July 2013 Sale offered 153 A to Z lots of
Contemporary Photographs from the Printer's Record Books.

Lots 133 & 134 offered various Swaziland Essays as Illustrated below

Around 100 pages came from the Printer's daily photographic record books, many being of
hand-painted essays and unaccepted designs. Mostly mounted on card/paper
The dates are the entry dates into the archive record books.
QEII Photographic Essays
Essays by Bradbury, Wilkinson - Issued in July 1956
Essays by Bradbury, Wilkinson
Two £5 Revenue Designs
1964 Railway Opening in Swaziland

Web design by Otto Peetoom

This is the Otto Peetoom Legacy Website.
Visit the new South African Collectors' Society website.