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South African Collectors Society
The 70th Anniversary of the South African Collectors' Society
1948 - 2018
By Otto Peetoom
This Page Includes
1948 - 1953 The Formative Years of the Society
1953 The Springbok Volume 1 No 1
Past and Present Editors of The Springbok

The Changing Face of The Springbok
Celebrating Society Milestones - Past and Present
Society Membership Past and Present
Eric Sherwood
Founder of the South African Collectors’ Society (1948 - 1987)
Society Advertising and Promotion (P.R.)
Past Society Personalities
Edward Lauder, Alec Page, Reg Allen
The Wicks Award - The Abell Trophy - Society Auctions
Miscellaneous Items of Interest
A Long Forgotten S.A.C.S. Medal Reappears
Other Items of Interest - The Springbok March 1921
What the Members Say
Special Edition Springbok may be downloaded as a PDF

1948 - 1953 The Formative Years of the Society
Several months ago I documented thirty three years of history of another philatelic society and my only source of information came from their journals.
The problem we have with this Society is that it did not launch its own journal for about five years until January 1953. Prior to that it offered a regular ‘Bulletin’ which was more than likely one or two pages with ‘this and that’. I have not gained sight of any of these Bulletins and whether or not any of them have survived I cannot say.

The South African Collectors’ Society
This Society celebrates its 70th Birthday during 2017 and although we know it started in 1947. An exact date or month appears to be unavailable...does anyone one know or for that matter care?

The only hint of its formation appeared in the first Editorial by Eric Sherwood in The Springbok (January 1953)

Farewell to Marais Steyn
- SAP July 1984
Left to right Tony Chilton, Marias, Bill Hart plus Eric Sherwood & his wife
...Originally, the Society was started some five years ago with a membership of approximately 12, chiefly as a result of the efforts of my esteemed friend, Mr Edw. Lauder. Then, we circulated articles and news by means of one news folder but with the growth of membership developed the need for two and three news folders until the stage has been reached where, with a membership close on 100, a Magazine is a necessity if members are to be kept up-to-date and fully informed...

A complete reproduction of the first Editorial appears lower down this page

1948 Gibbons’ Stamp Monthly
Whilst the above journal used to publish ‘Society News’ in the past, in the post war years that was not the case during 1948 and a search provided no result for the formation of the SACS.

It is possible that an announcement appeared in ‘other’ British Philatelic journals, but I do not have access to them. Any SACS member in the London area, who also belongs to the Royal, could cross that bridge by a visit to their library!

The South African Philatelist September 1948
A Blast from the Past
The earliest reference to our Society that I was able to trace appeared in the above edition of The South African Philatelist under a title

We have received particulars of the formation in Britain of a South African Collectors' Society, it being a club and study circle for collectors of South African Stamps. They propose having a monthly bulletin and the issue of the ‘S.A. Philatelist’ to members, an exchange packet and a new issue service.
The Secretary is Mr C.E. Sherwood, 105 Marford Crescent, Sale, Cheshire, England. Our best wishes for their succes

The South African Philatelist May 1949
In a letter from S.C. Chantler published under 'Correspondence', the writer urges the need for a Union Postal Study Circle in South Africa and mentions a successful Overseas organization which I suggest point to the SACS.

During and since the war a large number of collectors have given more attention to the stamps of the Union; such collectors being scattered throughout the country, and, often in places where opportunities for meeting others of similar- tastes are rare and who would, probably, welcome some means of exchanging notes and queries which arise from time to time.
This need can be met by the formation of a Postal Study Circle open to collectors of the stamps of our country. Such an organisation is already functioning overseas with success, and there is every reason to believe that such a study circle could be run successfully in the country which produces the stamps.
A provisional scheme has already been worked out and if any of your readers are interested in the matter, I should be very pleased to hear from them and to give further information.

Readers who are interested should get into touch with
Mr Chantler, PO Box 169, Grahamstown.

The South African Philatelist

October, November and December 1949

During 1949 Eric Sherwood placed an advertisement in the SAP for three consecutive months. He invites collectors, resident in Great Britain, to join the society. The foregoing seems unfortunate in as much that Eric was not encouraging Union collectors (Worldwide) to join the Society.

Continued in next column


The South African Philatelist

October, November and December 1949

Collectors of S.A. resident in Great Britain are
invited to join the South African Collectors' Society

The Springbok (Journal of the Society)
First edition published in January 1953 and received a review in the March 1953 edition of The South African Philatelist...the following appeared

The Springbok
Edited by
C.E. Sherwood for the South African Collectors' Society,
105 Marford Crescent, Sale, Manchester.

The Society now has a membership of nearly 100 and a magazine is considered necessary to take the place of the news folders previously circulated amongst members. We gather, though, it is not specially stated, that it will be a bi-monthly production. No price is mentioned, so it may be presumed it is only to be issued to members.

It is very nicely produced, with an attractive cover, the design being based on our ½d stamp. The contents are good solid meat, 20 pages of them and we welcome our new contemporary.

The editor states that it is not intended to replace or to compete with the 'South African Philatelist' but to be complimentary to it in order to increase the interest in the collecting of South African stamps outside that country and in particular in the United Kingdom. Good luck to it!

One of the
of the Society

Reg Allen

Joined in 1953
Member No 116

RDA was a
until his death
in 2005

Aged 99
1953 The Springbok Volume 1 No 1
• The Editors chair
• The narrow perforation variety in the Union stamps
• Current topics
• The Ha’penny Springbok (halfpenny)
• Its never too late
• Union Philatelic diary for 1952
• The production of the “Kings Head” Coil stamps of S Africa
• Resume of auction realisation during 1952
• O.A.T. (Onward Air Transmission)
• Membership information
• Library
• Stop Press
CE Sherwood
WN Sheffield
CE Sherwood
PD Haigh
CE Sherwood
CE Sherwood
JAJ Peters Voortrekker
HA Stewart
CE Sherwood
CE Sherwood
CE Sherwood
1953 First Editorial by Eric Sherwood
The Editor’s Chair
  A word by way of introduction as to the reason for this Magazine.
Originally, the Society was started some five years ago with a membership of approximately 12, chiefly as a result of the efforts of my esteemed friend, Mr Edw. Lauder. Then, we circulated articles and news by means of one news folder but with the growth of membership developed the need for two and three news folders until the stage has been reached where, with a membership close on 100, a Magazine is a necessity if members are to be kept up-to-date and fully informed.

I would like to emphasise the fact that this Magazine is not in any way intended to replace that excellent publication The South African Philatelist, for which we all have the greatest regard, nor even to offer competition, but rather to be complementary to it in order to increase the interest in the collecting of South African stamps outside that country and in particular in the United Kingdom. It should be regarded essentially as a Society Magazine expressing the views and observations of its members. I have tried at some length to ensure there is no misunderstanding with S.A.P., and I am happy to acknowledge the fact that every support has been offered from the Union.

The present scope of the Society covers the Boer War Period down to present day issues, but if later there is a general demand to widen activities, then due consideration will be given to the matter.
It is imperative that this venture be supported actively by members by contributions of articles and by letters to the Editor and might I suggest that members intending to take up their pen, advise me before doing so, as to the subject in mind, in case it is being considered already elsewhere?

Where possible submission of articles, in duplicate would be of great help, written on quarto paper. Here, perhaps I might say that the Editor does not accept responsibility for any views published but will welcome correspondence for publication.

We are all indebted to Mr Lauder for presenting to the Society, the very handsome die as reproduced on the front cover and furthermore by the gift of the outer covers for this very first issue. Behind the scenes, Mr Lauder has been working tirelessly to ensure the success of The Springbok, despite ill health and so I hope that having started well we shall be able to continue so. Let us not forget the contributors who, by their articles, have assisted in 'putting to bed' this number.

An Exchange Packet will be circulated in two sections, but its frequency will depend on the support rendered in the form of sheets or books from members. Booklets may be purchased from the Editor at 3/- per dozen postage paid. I can promise sales will be good if the material is right and priced reasonably. With the Exchange Packet may be circulated from time to time, books with stamps requesting comments or identification, etc., and here I must note that Mr J. Hodkinson of Derby has asked me to express his thanks for the help in classifying the stamps shown in such a book recently. He is busy preparing another which will incorporate such information for our general benefit.

The magazine is being issued for your benefit - do make use of it.

C.E. Sherwood, 105 Marford Crescent Sale Manchester U.K.
Another Point of interest in Volume 1 No 1 appears on page 21 under
New Members
Member No 116 R.D. Allen of 82c Hackford Road London SW19 has joined the Society
Past and Present Editors of The Springbok
Editor From
Editor From
C.E. Sherwood
R.D. Allen
C.P. Ravilious
D.W. Painter
F. Heymann
No 1
No 116

No 599
No 524
No 971
January 1953 to October 1962
October 1962 to December 1981
January 1982 to December 1989
January 1990 to December 1997
January 1998 to December 2003
E. Bridges
O. Peetoom
E. Bridges
R. Ross

No 977
No 799
No 977
No 993

January 2004 to April 2012
April 2012 to September 2012 September 2012 to April 2013
April 2013 to date
The Changing Face of The Springbok

Front Cover of the first edition of The Springbok
The Front Cover of The Springbok
Using a customized image of a ½d Definitive stamp on the front cover during 1953 may be thought of as 'very upmarket' for that era and its use continued until the end of 1992, thus it enjoyed forty years of 'Service'.

By the early 1990's the editor D.W. Painter thought it was time for a change and employed a new image for the front cover. In my opinion it looks like a pregnant Springbok, either that or, it had just devoured several plates of Mince Pies! F. Heymann took over as editor in 1998 continued using 'The fat Springbok' and at the end of 2000 he 'boxed' the image.

A New Slender Springbok
The first journal for 2002 (Issue 277) brought a much better image into use. Eddie Bridges became the editor at the beginning of 2004 and by 2006 colour finally arrived. In my opinion this was an ideal opportunity to change over to a 'pretty' front cover, but most society's are loathe to change and are slow in embracing the available technology.

Late 1992 - Last use of the 1953 Emblem

From 1993 - The Fat Springbok

From 2003 - The Slender Springbok

Colour Copying Arrives
  Journal Production, Colour, Quality etc.
An important issue that most amateur journal producers miss is that the quality of the finished product is very much dependent on the quality of paper used.

Most societies, including the SACS, printed their journal on cheap paper and settled for 'In house' production that meant stapling the pages together.

Personally I started using colour as early as 1990, at that time the cost of colour was high, the machines were slow, delivering about four A3 sheets per minute and colour could only be printed on one side of the paper. Collating and stapling was done manually.

In early 1992 I produced my Rhodesian Specialized Postal Auction No 36 which included four pages of colour illustration. The response from our customers was positive and they were delighted with the colour innovation.

It brought home to me how important colour is for philately. Thus when I launched my own journal a year later, it boasted four A4 pages of colour. Granted the subscription rate was not cheap and I suggested to subscribers that black and white was more economical...they loved the colour so that was that.
I feel these comments are relevant as most philatelic societies avoided colour...‘too expensive they cried’ and subsequently continued publishing drab journals for years to come.
My journal The Rhodesian Philatelist, first published in July 1993 and produced by a high street printer with four pages of colour was streets ahead of most society journals.

Printed on A3R folded and stapled in the middle into an A4 booklet. At first pages had to be collated by hand, folded and stapled manually. Soon there were printers which collated the pages and a separate device that speeded up the process which folded and stapled. That was followed by machines that did the ‘whole job’. In comparison many societies continued using antiquated methods of production that were no cheaper than those I used.

In late 2011 I took an interest in the quality of The Springbok and asked the editor why he did not print the journal on better quality paper. The answer was 'We can't afford it!' and I noted that the society funds reflected around £9000 in the bank. Eddie Bridges finally included an image on the front cover in March 2012 and I followed up in with something more colourful.

Roy Ross has now been Editor since September 2013 and varies the look of the front cover. Examples of all the illustrated front covers may be viewed on the appropriate page on this website...go to
About the Society

In my opinion the front and back covers of a journal is the gateway to how good or bad the rest might be!

Folded and Stapled in the Middle
I started this trend in 2012 with Issues 318 & 319 and it continued from Issue No 321. The Era of stapling A4 sheets together was finally over!

March 2012 an Eddie Bridges Production

August 2012 an Otto Peetoom Production

August 2016 a Roy Ross Production

Celebrating Society Milestones - Past and Present
  Editorial by Otto Peetoom
How to Celebrate a Seventieth Anniversary?
Chris Oliver raised the above question in a 19 May email and I discussed the matter with him on Saturday 27 May...the point I made is what exactly did he have in mind?
My suggestion was that one ought to look back in history to assess what was done for previous milestones and the answer to that is...‘Not a lot’.

The only guide available is The Springbok Contents, Volume 1 to 51 (1953 - 2003) by J.B. Carter. The foregoing intimates that nothing was published in The Springbok for the following Anniversaries being 25th (1962) 30th (1967) or 40th (1977)

The 50th Anniversary
This was subject to a short ‘off the cuff’ write-up by Alec Page, the Secretary, in Volume 45 No 2 of The Springbok No 258.

The 60th Anniversary

In Volume 55 No 4 of The Springbok No 300 Oct/Dec 2007
Editor - Eddie Bridges. The front cover boasts:-
SACS 60th Anniversary Issue & 300th Issue of The Springbok
On this occasion Chris Oliver, the Secretary, presented
A short history of the South African Collectors’ Society and its members.
An apt title as the history is ‘short’ (less than twenty lines). Chris broke new ground for the society by collating all past members No’s 1 to 1123, Abel Trophy Winners since 1957 and The Wicks Award Winners since 1961.

Chris Oliver also collated a list of Officers and Committee of the Society and concluded...In sixty years we have only three Presidents, four Hon. Secretaries, six Hon. Treasurers, six Hon. Editors and five Hon. Librarians!

The 70th Anniversary or Platinum Jubilee
Although I made an array of suggestions that ought to cumulate into a ‘Joint Effort’...reality dictates that the vast majority of members prefer to keep their distance. Chris Oliver’s 60th Anniversary has been updated to 2017 and has been a good source to draw on and I started work on 28 May.

The SACS Website plus a ‘70th Souvenir Journal’
Construction of a suitable webpage got underway at the end of May, by 2 June I emailed a link to members for a ‘Preview’ and on Monday 5 June the 70th Anniversary page went ‘live’. Since then I continued adding material and by
10 June completion was in sight. At that point I decided to copy the information onto a document to create a Special Edition Springbok.

The Society’s Platinum Jubilee Initial Considerations
How to Celebrate a Seventieth Anniversary?

Having recently collated the history of the Bechuanalands and Botswana Society (33 years and not 70!) I appreciate the amount of time such a project entails. It took me the best part of six weeks and there is still more to be done!

To collate a ‘Proper History’ of any Society requires a systematic ‘trawl’ through its journals. In the case of the SACS...go to The Springbok, starting with issue No 1...any volunteers? I doubt it!
Thus whatever I end up doing is essentially ‘as good as it gets!’

From J.B. Carter’s Index it intimates that nothing was published in
The Springbok
for the following Anniversaries being 25th (1962) 30th (1967) or 40th (1977).

The 50th Anniversary

A short ‘off the cuff’ write-up by Alec Page, the Secretary, in The Springbok No 258 April/June 1997 - Editor D.W. Painter.
On the last page of said journal two photographs appear entitled
A Fiftieth Anniversary Occasion - London
The pictures include Reg Allen, Chris Board, Tony Chilton, Fred Clark,
Alec Page and Ron West.

Other Photographs
The September 1997 edition of The Springbok No 259 includes two poor reproductions on the last page entitled
A Fiftieth Anniversary Occasion - Carlisle
This includes J. Ahmad, W. Branney, B. Carter, W. Fullard,
J. Grassom, D. Haig, E. Hammond, F. Heyman, G. Mellor,
A. Moffat, R. Ross, D. Todd and P. Williams.

Continued in next column


The 60th Anniversary

Included the ‘Chris Oliver Initiative’ in The Springbok No 300 Oct/Dec 2007.

Obviously a great deal of work went into the foregoing, if I may offer ‘Constructive Criticism’, much more ‘History’ ought to be present.

The 70th Anniversary or Platinum Jubilee
...My aim is to promote Southern Africa Philately on our website, which does require co-operation and access to information... Other than the ‘Oliver Initiative’, very little was forthcoming thus what there is...has been ‘trawled’ up using my own available sources...Read on...

At the May 2017 AGM Chris Oliver advised on 30 May...At the AGM it was agreed that we should publicise our upcoming birthday and put something on the web...

AGM’s are notorious for that sort of thing...proposals...a debate...a vote...then everyone goes home and does nothing!

The foregoing implies ‘Let’s hope Otto does something and we can all go back to sleep’!

Where, When and How?
From the first Editorial it transpires that the two key players were Lauder and Sherwood, I was acquainted with the latter, but know nothing of the former. Both ought to feature in a write up for the 70th. Lauder passed away in March 1965 and a Tribute by Eric Sherwood appears in Issue No 74 page 23.

Sherwood may have written something about the past, he wrote Memories are made of this in Issue No 205 pages 14 to 16. Eric Sherwood died in January 1987 - Obituary issue 207 pages 52-54. I requested a copy of all the above references a.s.a.p. please...Eddie Bridges responded on 18 June!

The South African Philatelist
I searched The South African Philatelist and found interesting information, for instance Chris Oliver alleged that Alec Page was Secretary from 1962 to1992 and R.E. Mason the Auditor (1968-1990). The info gleaned suggests Mason was Secretary from circa April 1970 and still in office December 1972.

What the SACS Lacks
There is no Cumulative Index for The Springbok, thus Carter’s ‘Contents’ is as good as it is accessible on our website if anyone cares to find it.

What is Next?
Initially I advocated...Who if any of you wish to, have a desire to or an interest to do justice to the Society’s 70th Anniversary?
It is not a ‘One Man Job’ and certainly not mine alone!

The Value of the above suggestions is that...If there is a collective effort, it will add to the history of the Society and there for all time to come...
Somehow it has ended up as a ‘One Man Job!’

Sources and Available Information
Chris Oliver collated a Historical Members list from No 1 to 1204, ‘Officers and Committee of the Society’, Abell Trophy Winners, The Wicks Award Winners and ‘Meeting Places for the Society’.

The Springbok Contents, Volume 1 to 51 (1953 - 2003) by J.B. Carter allowed me to locate relevant references I wish to see and/or replicate, such as Obituaries etc.

1953 The Springbok Volume 1 No 1 - Eric Sherwood’s first Editorial.

The South African Philatelist I searched this from 1946 to 1988 and located a whole array of useful snippets including Obituaries, Society advertising, Announcements and Reports.

1947 Gibbons’ Stamp Monthly - Drew a blank there.

Phillips (London) 17 April 1998 catalogue, sale of the Alec Page South Africa, also produced a photograph & information.

Previous Information Such as reacquainting the society with 1979 BPA medal came from our existing website.

Society Membership Past and Present

As noted above Chris Oliver collated a historical list of members that was published in the December 2007 edition of The Springbok No 300 and which includes Members 1 to 1123. Today that number extends to 1204 and the current membership stands at 129.

Chris informed me that the records are incomplete and that his data was gleaned from earlier lists. To this end twenty five numbers have no allocation being No’s 3, 8, 9, 11, 15, 18, 20, 26, 29, 33, 37, 39, 43, 47, 52, 53, 54, 61, 64, 68 to 71, 76, 86 and 87.

The above 25 omissions may be reduced as Oliver's list include two members, both numbered 73 being J.E. Hodkinson and A. Hilton-Sydow (incorrectly spelt Hylton). In addition The Springbok No 1 indicates the resignation of
A.S.C. Paterson, Mrs D. Stewart and Major E.D. Graham Brown.
The foregoing reduces the omissions to 21.

The First Two Members followed by more
As may be anticipated Eric Sherwood is No 1 and E. Lauder No 2. I gain the impression that those listed as having joined in 1952 (No's 3 to 114) are probably those who were members ‘By 1952’.

In The Springbok No 1 (January 1953) it includes a list of new members starting with No 115 and R.D. Allen is noted as No 116, he was to become one of the veteran’s of the society.

A Summary of Members Joining
1952 (105) 1953 (144) 1954 (43) suggesting an average of 97 per annum in three years. After the initial flurry, the 'new faces' slowed down and over the next five years 78 joined (1955 to 1959) - about sixteen per year.

The South African

August to December
Membership over 200

This Advert indicates 200+ members by mid 1953

Continued in next column


Chris Board recently advised...Membership numbers rose to a peak of 229 in 1954 and was affected by the loss of relapsed members in 1955 settling for a time at about 200...

During the following four decades
the figures for people joining are:
1960 - 1969 (171) 1970 - 1979 (180) 1980 - 1989 (158) & 1990 - 1999 (146) giving an average of 16+ per year.

Well Known Names Amongst Early Members
They include W. Sheffield (63) A. Hilton-Sydow (73) G.N. Gilbert (92)
C.P. Rang (139) Dr T.B. Berry (144) J.B. Levy (155) J. Robertson (159)
Sam Legator (160) R.J.F. Axer (176) C.R. Reynolds (189) L. Simenhoff (225) J. Michaelson (226) Gordon Ward (242) J. Wicks (376)
The numbers in brackets is their membership No.

2000 - 2017
So far in the twenty first century the numbers joined since 2000 is 172, thus the average has slowed down to around 10+ per annum. The first person to join in 2000 was J.C. Mottram, member 1034.

Early Members (60th Anniversary 2007)
When Chris Oliver published his list the remaining 'Early birds' were
1952 -
F. Lowry (85) and S. Price (107) 1953 - J. Russell (125) and
A. Whitworth (183) plus 1958 - R. Glanville-Jones (359) Sadly none of them are with us today.

Our Current Earliest Members

I analyzed the list recently and our two earliest remaining members are
1966 - J.N. Dickson (432) and 1971 - Dr P.A. Olver (578)

Other Observations on Membership
1972 - from 600 up seven people, 1979 - from 711 ten persons, 1985 - from 806 fourteen souls, 1990 - from 904 fifteen, 1996 - from 1001 twenty seven and 2005 - from 1100 forty nine members plus finally 2017 - from No 1200 to 1204 five new people.

A High 'Fall-out' Rate
Those joining from 1990 to 1997 (900 up) 85% are no longer members.
1997 to 2005 (1000 up) 73% went A.W.O.L. and 2005 to 2017 (1100 up) 51% of them have drifted to other pastures.

Thus the number of current members remaining from 1 to 1000 is 48 (4.8%) and those numbered from 1001 to 1204 = 81 (39.7%)

Eric Sherwood - Founder of the South African Collectors’ Society (1947 - 1987)

Eric Sherwood
Specialist Dealer in South African Stamps and Postal History
I first met Eric in 1978 at the monthly meeting of the Merseyside Dealers Club, he came every month along with his handicapped wife Gladys and travelled by taxi from Sale. Nigel Haworth informed me that Eric was the instigator who started the Manchester and District Dealers Association during the mid-1960's.
Eric was a soft spoken man, pleasant and charming person and anyone who knew him had a good word to say about him.

Eric Sherwwood with
his wife Gladys with
Bill Hart at the back

SAP July 1984

Eric was a dealer, a member of the PTS and a personal write-up appeared in the September 1965 SAP and includes an interesting insight into his activities.
Alec Page merely intimates that Eric was a part-time dealer, he was much more than that!

Eric effectively enjoyed almost 40 years being part of the society, from its inception until his death in January 1987.

The C.E. Sherwood Story

The South African Philatelist in September 1965 published a two page article under the above title...extracts from it Egypt during the last war in Alexandria I found three stamp shops, one run by a Greek, another by a Frenchman and the third by an Egyptian. At the Greek's place on my arrival he always sent off his boy for Turkish coffee and a glass of water from a nearby cafe. This together with all the time in the world to look at his stamps made a very pleasant break in the life of a not too happy R.A.F. type. His South African stock was mainly a few bantam war efforts plus one or two large war efforts cancelled in Egypt.

The Frenchman made me very welcome encouraging me to take what I wanted and to pay when next I was in on leave as I was then in receipt of 2/- per day all found! I have never remembered whether I left Egypt owing him any money or not but I like to think if I left a debt he credited it to our war effort.

At the Egyptian one pleasant day, a large gentleman entered speaking a large amount of Arabic to the shop-keeper who turned to me and said. "This gentleman would like to buy you stamps - what do you want?" Being a modest type I believe I picked the Egyptian long air set, the gentleman paid up, finished his own business and departed. The shop-keeper turned to me asking If I knew who it was, and when I said no, he told me, "the brother of the Head Postmaster of Alexandria." Never anywhere have I met such pleasant service in stamp shops, I wonder if they are still there?

Back to England and eventually civilian life again thoughts turned to stamp dealing. One of the pleasures of dealing in stamps is that one can never foresee from one day to another just what customer will turn up in the flesh or as represented by letter. Although I have had enquiries from behind the Iron Curtain never yet have I made a sale and indeed I do not think I have ever heard from the same man twice. I have been told that it is not always the safest of things for a man behind the Curtain to receive mail from the Western world so maybe they are working out their time in foreign prisons? Writing of prisons, I was somewhat surprised to receive a letter from an occupant in gaol in this country asking for approvals. Being an entirely new situation to me I wrote to the Governor of the prison asking if it was all right and I received a letter to say that certain prisoners were allowed to have their stamp collections with them and that this particular man had received lots of approvals although of course the Governor could not accept any responsibility. Although I wrote again to the man I did not hear anything further - I still wonder just what could have become of the situation.

Following the death of a customer I learnt a lesson. He had only spent the odd shilling or so more or less keeping up with new issues and one day I had a letter from a relative saying he had died and would I be interested in buying his stamps. Frankly the notepaper was not impressive and with what I thought was my knowledge of his purchases I wrote a letter to say I was not interested. However, before posting it I thought I have really little to lose, it will only cost me the return postage after I have looked at the collection, so tore up the first one and wrote saying yes. The package duly arrived and on opening I nearly had a heart attack. The man had evidently collected over the 1930 rotogravure period to the early hyphenated issues of the lower values up to around, at the time, for the collection consisted of about 20 complete arrow sets of different ½d and 1d issues along with sets of 2d, 3d and 4d values. Also some of the early booklets intact and exploded plus large blocks showing varieties on the ½d and 1d stamps. Add the early rota control letter blacks with "F" control normal, partially albino and completely albino and can you wonder why I nearly suffered the heart attack to think in a careless moment I might have passed the collection up?

In London recently I came face to face with one of the happiest collectors I have ever known. He is deaf and he is dumb but never have I seen him without a smile on his face which positively beams when someone stops to have a talk on his slate or a bit of paper he or you dig from your pockets.
He has acquired some very nice material including quite a number of first day cancellations on and off covers of the first 2½d of 1910 and a large collection of air mail covers.
He is also a keen photographer and at one of the London exhibitions of the South African Collectors' Society he took a picture at me at my stall which I liked so much that I have a quantity always on hand to send one to each new customer-include an extra guinea and I will autograph it too! You can tell how good it is, the wife of an American collector thinks I am the double of David Niven! So for the sake of modesty I shall not have a picture with this article but if you are really interested you know what to do.

A very good friend of mine who is an ardent collector of postal stationery sent me a quantity of airletter greetings forms some while ago. Starting to make up new issues I was startled to come across one with the orange colour missing completely and when I found yet two more in succession, I was dumfounded to put it mildly. The fourth in the run had the orange half missing. Now what would you have done? Write to your friend and tell him what he had sent and risk the possibility that he would jump in the nearest river? Knowing he had a charming wife and family I thought it wiser to maintain a discreet silence for a while and then break the news somewhat gently. Like the good chap he is, he accepted the fact that he just simply bought them from the post office and sent them off without further ado, so cheerfully bought one back from me and then bullied me into letting him have the half orange printing as well. Mind you be has not done it again since!

I wonder what happened to the farmer in New Zealand who used to keep bees and send me pots of honey regularly. What happened to the Jap buying South African stamps from me to prepare for an exhibition? The collector who went off to a sanatorium in Switzerland? The man who immigrated to Australia? The collector who used to write me regularly from Aden and then stopped when he came back to this country I still hear regularly from a collector in the Argentine who told me of roasting a whole side of beef on Christmas Day at his barbecue for the family. An American I envy always when I get letters from him, lives in Honolulu - when I write Hawaii on his envelope how I sigh as the rain pours down.

I was invited to write a story about myself and whether I have succeeded is for you to judge but there is a limit to the amount of space I can take up and my story is not half told, but you have one consolation - that photograph is yours for a subscription to my monthly 'South Africa Gnus' 3/- a year or if you are impatient 4/6 a year by air.


Does anyone possess a copy of the photograph Eric refers to with his 'David Niven' look alike?

Advertising in The South African Philatelist
Eric Sherwood's first advertisement appeared in the October 1949 SAP (See first section near the top of this page) His first insertion confirms he was a member of the PTS - Philatelic Traders Society, London.

In April 1951 he resumed advertising, skipped May and continued in June through to December.

The South African

April, June, July,
August and September
The South African

October, November
and December

The South African

Starting in January,
Postal Auctions were announced. This advert appeared in March
In July 1952 Sherwood suggested 'BUY UNIONS' and in August he announced...UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA is my only country
so if you are interested too why not subscribe to my monthly Notes

At a later date Eric dubbed his 'monthly Notes' as 'South Africa Gnus'

In the December 1952 SAP advert Eric offered SG 43a in a marginal strip
of four, two stamps with 'Frame omitted', one stamp partially omitted
and the 4th normal. Price £40

Continued in next column


Advertising in The South African Philatelist - continued
1953 Advertising was entirely devoted to promoting the
Society's new journal The Springbok

The South African

January 1953

The Springbok
is imminent!
The South African


February and March

The Springbok
Issue No 1
has been published

The South African

April and May

The Springbok No 2
has been posted

Don't delay
Subscribe today!
The South African


June and July

The Springbok No 3

has been distributed
nearly 200 members

The South African

August to December

Membership over 200
Get your Springbok now!
The above HIGHER AND HIGHER advertisement was repeated
in the 1954 SAP in the January, February and March issues

In April 1954 Sherwood resumed adverting as a dealer calling himself
'The Union Specialist'. In July he offered the 1927 Definitives, in September it recommends his 'Monthly Notes', then in October The Springbok received another 'plug'. In November & December under WANTED Eric offers 'To Buy' shades, varieties, office lots or Bank clippings.

The South African


Annual subscription
up from 10/- to 15/-

1955 SAP - The same 'Wanted...I wish to buy' advert repeated for this year and continued up to and including March 1956. In April and May 1956 Eric offers Philatelic Literature, in June and July he offers to buy Diaresis varieties on Officials. From August to November he wants to buy South African Kiloware, either by the lb, by the cwt or by the ton! In December 1956 there is once again an advert encouraging subscriptions to The Springbok that is repeated in January and February 1957.

The South African

1956 December
January and February

Annual subscription
is still 15/- or $2.25

March, April and May 1957 announces:
Buying it - 'SPRINGBOK HALFPENNY' by Dr Gordon Ward price 5/3 or 80 cents post paid.
In July 1957 Eric calls his Monthly Notes his 'Union Gnus' for the first time.

July 1958 Society Advertising in The South African Philatelist
Under the monthly 'Smalls' - 'Wants, Offers & Exchange' Advertising rate
3d per word, minimum insertion 3/-. Different versions of this advertisement for the South African Collectors' Society ran continuous until December 1972.

The South African Philatelist - July 1958

Eric Sherwood Obituary
I anticipated that there ought to be an obituary in The South African Philatelist and an initial search drew a blank, later I stumbled across it in the April 1987 edition, not included in the ‘Contents’ was the reason it was difficult to locate.

The South African Philatelist - April 1987

I have no idea who John W. Hodgson is and as far as I am aware Eric's stock was not sold to Stanley Gibbons. Many years ago a chap, whose name I can not remember, told me he bought Eric's collection. At the time, the person concerned was the UK agent for the South African Post Office.

Anglo-Boer War Philatelist
Eric's obituary appeared in their March 1987 Journal (Vol 30 - No 1)

Richard Stroud advised - Eric joined the OFS Study Circle in 1965 as member No 71 and became President for the year 1974/75

The above is 6560+ many words will those who read this write?

Society Advertising and Promotion (P.R.)

Promoting the Society
During the 1950's and 60's, under the leadership of Eric Sherwood, the society successfully advertised their presence and promoted The Springbok via The South African Philatelist. As may be seen in the previous section Eric, in his advertisements, gave the society its first boost in October 1949 and its journal a regular 'plug' from January 1953 to December 1957. He built up a steady membership that at one point exceeded 200 and on average maintained that level for many years.

It is interesting to observe that the Society's early PR efforts seemed to be much more intense than it was in later years when complacency replaced enthusiasm. Nowadays the only effective tool for the society's PR is its website which may be accessed world-wide on a 24/7 basis.
At the 2017 AGM the Chairman said...the website keeps our profile high and is the source of most of our new membership.

July 1958 Society Advertising in The South African Philatelist

The above advert was a regular monthly and a cost effective method of 'Flying the Society Flag' and remained in place for some fourteen years. Why it was discontinued in December 1972, I cannot say.
At approximately 5/6 per insertion, the advertising cost £3 6s 0d per year.
The above advert continued until December 1962.

The South African Philatelist January 1963

Under 'Society News' the following announcement appeared:

The 11th AGM held In London on 27th October, marked the end of an era for the society, This was through the retirement of Mr C. E. Sherwood who had held many offices in its management ever since it started. There was much appreciation of the services he had rendered and regrets at his giving up.

Mr E. Lauder, of Glasgow, becomes President; Mr. W. A. Page. Hon. Secretary and Mr R. D. Allen, Snr the Hon. Editor of The Springbok

Comment - The above reference to the 11th AGM implies that the Society's first AGM was during 1952.

The Advertisement under WANTS, OFFERS & EXCHANGE was modified and reflects the New Secretary's address, but excluded his name. Advertising rate in Decimal currency 2½c per word, minimum insertion 30 cents.

January 1963 Society Advertising in SAP

October 1963 Amended Society Advertising in SAP
Now includes the name (W.A. Page) of the Secretary

January 1967 Society Advertising in SAP
Advert amended with a bold heading that is in keeping with other adverts
Advertising rate now 3½c per word, minimum insertion 40 cents

The last insertion reflecting W.A. Page as the Secretary was in the April 1970 edition of The South African Philatelist.

Continued in next column

The South African Philatelist May 1968 - An Announcement

We extend a hearty welcome to the
South African Collectors' Society,
Great Britain, upon their election as an Associated Member of the Philatelic Federation of Southern Africa. May their association be of mutual interest and benefit to South African Philately. (See comments at the end of the column)

The South African Philatelist
May 1970
A new Secretary takes over R.E. Mason this is in contrast to Chris Oliver's contention that W.A. Page served continuously as Secretary from 1962 to 1992. According to Oliver, Mason was the Society Auditor from June 1968 to April 1990 and there is no mention of him acting as Secretary.

May 1970 Society Advertising in The South African Philatelist
New Secretary R.E. Mason in Richmond

October 1970 Society Advertising in The South African Philatelist
Secretary R.E. Mason change of address to Harold Wood

The same advert continued monthly from October 1970 to April 1971.
From November 1970 the Advertising rate increased to 5c per word and a minimum insertion was 60 cents

The South African Philatelist May 1971 A change of Policy
The title of the SACS advertisement is changed to THE SPRINGBOK and the Secretary R.E. Mason relocates to his old address in Richmond.

May 1971 New Society Advert in The South African Philatelist
Secretary R.E. Mason back in Richmond

The above advertisement continued until December 1972 which brought to an end the Society's PR exercise in The South African Philatelist.

The South African Philatelist February 1973
Under a title Specialist Groups are Growing

"The Springbok"
The SA Collectors Society pioneered the study of South African stamps in the U.K. It publishes a bi-monthly magazine, The Springbok, which, as a specialist publication, has been awarded many prizes at philatelic exhibitions and which is a most important reference source to students of South Africa's stamps.
Members of this society include erudite specialists on the Union Pictorials particularly. The society will stage an exhibition of South African stamps in London on 28 April this year.
Mr Eric Sherwood, who is President of the SA Collectors Society, is also Chairman of the Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society.
Less than a Quarter of the members of this study group are South Africans, the bulk of the membership being in the UK.

The Philatelic Federation of Southern Africa

'Associate Membership' versus 'Affiliated Membership' I recently raised this issue with the present Committee and no-one appears to have an answer. Societies in South Africa who are 'Affiliated' to the PFSA automatically receive a copy of each edition of The South African Philatelist...the SACS does not share that privilege...therefore are we in fact 'Full Members' of the PFSA or merely 'Associated' to it?

Eddie Bridges took over as Editor of The Springbok in 2004 and in issue No 285 he inserted on the title page (for the first time) 'Member of The Philatelic Federation of Southern Africa', which implies we are more than just 'Associate Members'. Hence the reason for the foregoing queries.

On 30 May 2017 Eddie Bridges wrote...The constitution of the PFSA was rewritten a few years ago and I am sure there is no distinction in membership anymore...Comment - Thus why don't we receive the SAP?

Past Society Personalities - Edward Lauder
Founder Member of the Society

Edward Scott Carmichael Lauder Member No 2
Founder Member along with Eric Sherwood in 1947

First President of the Society, died suddenly in Glasgow on 3 March 1965

Obituary by Eric Sherwood
Published in The Springbok Volume 13 Issue 2 (No 74) page 23

There are times in life when one feels genuinely at a loss for words and this is an occasion when I find I cannot express adequately the shock received on opening a letter from Scotland and reading that my friend, Ted Lauder, was no longer with us - a stroke and twelve hours afterwards - gone.
It is certain that he will not be forgotten by so many who had cause to be grateful for his gentle guidance and advice.

Your membership lists him as number two in the Society but really that is quite wrong for without his efforts the Society would never have come into being - at least through my hands. It was his suggestion that I should make an effort to co-ordinate the interests of South Africa philately and it was only after his pledge of support that plans went ahead. The framework was drafted out by him in a number of letters and as membership grew he continued to express his delight that our efforts had not been in vain.

Continued in next column

When the time came for a magazine, Ted put forward a number of proposals with the support of collectors in this country and overseas. Jointly we worked out the idea of the Springbok head for the cover - the plates of which he presented to the Society.

The Society has truly lost probably its keenest member, one we can ill afford to lose. He was somewhat reluctant to become the first President but at the meeting in London it was a unanimous decision.
For myself I shall remember the pleasure of the annual visit to Bridge of Allan, with some good times in London where we would talk stamps and the Society until the early hours. In London we had the added pleasure of pros¬pecting in Soho for new and interesting places to dine and dally over a bottle of wine coupled with that of making a round of the auctioneers and dealers giving advice to, each other as to whether it was a good buy, or not.

Ted had been collecting South Africa for many years and was always able to put on a show of some fine material which aroused interesting comment and envy. His knowledge was quite profound and was readily available to all, seeking help or assistance.

The furthest thought from my mind was that I should ever be called upon to pay tribute to Ted Lauder and even now I find it so difficult to believe that I have to conclude, by writing ‘Goodbye, my friend’.

Past Society Personalities - Alec Page

William Alexander Page - Member No 27 Joined by 1952
Born in Hammersmith in 1921, passed away on 16 December 1997
John Shaw wrote an obituary which was published in the March 1998 edition of The Springbok (Volume 46 No 1). Alec's collection of South Africa was sold in 93 lots by Phillips in London on 17 April 1998. A brief resume of his life was included in the catalogue plus a photograph which is reproduced here.

I met Alec Page on several occasions at Stampex and during the late 1980’s, I recall Alec showing me a commercial envelope with a 035 on it; unfortunately I cannot recall whether it was a single or a vertical pair, someone, somewhere must be the proud owner of it, it did not feature in the Phillips sale.

Continued in next column

Chris Oliver noted that Alec was a Committee member from at least October 1954 and as noted ealier, at the 11th AGM on 27 October 1962, he was elected as Honorary Secretary. He was succeeded by R.E. Mason (probably in late 1969)...Mason continued until at least 1973 and at some point in time Alec Page once again resumed as secretary until his death in 1997.

John Shaw
said in his obituary...Alec was a man of many interests and considerable accomplishment. Obviously we had a mutual interest in Union material and our collections strangely complemented one another, as did our individual approaches to philately, myself wishing to plug the gaps and tell the story of the stamp, Alec always more concerned with the story behind the correspondence and with a wary eye for the unrecorded plating flaw.
The latter was particularly the case when I expanded Freshwater's plating study of the bi-coloured Springbok essays and sent it to Alec, who found another three constant flaws I had missed! A particularly interesting, but regrettably unconcluded, collaboration was on the Darmstadt Trails where, again, our collections complemented one another very nicely.

Living some 150 miles apart, our meetings were maybe twice or three times a year and, if anywhere in his vicinity, I would suggest dropping in for maybe an hour. These hours never lasted less than four hours, and quite often extended to seven or eight, after which I found myself on the M11 in the early hours, staying awake by contemplating the collections we had so much enjoyed together. His fabulous array of War Train covers, for which he paid only 2/6d each, is something I asked to see maybe every four visits, but usually we looked at the World War II material.

Note -
Alec Page's 'War Train' collection was the last lot in the Phillips sale and John Shaw promptly bought it!

...Among his other honours, he won many Silver and Vermeil medals at International level; he was several times winner of our Abell Trophy and, possibly the honour that pleased him most was our own Wicks Medal for his philatelic writings...
Past Society Personalities - Reg Allen (1906 - 2005)

Reg Allen - Member No 116 Joined 1953

Obituary by John Shaw - The Springbok October 2005
I first met RDA some 40 years ago when he was chairman of our society and one of a group of dedicated and expert philatelists I was privileged to know. The knowledge I gained from RDA and this group will stay with me forever - and I also gained a set of valued friends. The group included Eric Sherwood, our founder, Alec Page, Robert MacDougal, Bob Lawrence, Jim Nunnely and the inseparable twins, Merriman and Mason. Many of these will be just names to most of you but they were the greats of the 1950s and 1960s; Now they are gone and RDA was the last of this very special group. Always ready to share his knowledge, he gave much encouragement to the younger members, most of whom, with time, now have their bus passes and pension books.

RDA held office continuously in our society for 50 years and apart from chairman, served as secretary, editor of The Springbok and, on the death of Eric Sherwood some 20 years ago, became our president, in respect for his memory, this office will remain vacant for at least a year. A prolific writer, he wrote several books and major articles including those on postage due markings, maritime marks, coil stamps, and a major research work on the 2d Union Buildings.
Continued in next column

Attracted to a Union definitives article in the now defunct Stamp Collecting by one Alan Hardy; I did not know the name but recognised the style and, if you omit the ‘H’ and turn the name round, you will see that 'Ardy, Alan' becomes RDA, which was typical of his wit and sense of humour.

RDA started collecting stamps when he was given a bag of stamps
(pre-Union!) in the orphanage where he was brought up, this being the first thing he had ever owned! His collecting continued during service in the Royal Irish Rifles and in the Metropolitan Police; he founded the flourishing Met Police Stamp Club, retiring as a sergeant 50 years ago.
He sold his British Commonwealth collection many years ago to take up the challenge of Union philately and, off duty from the Met, he was often seen in the Strand and Leicester Square stamp shops using his sharp eyes and expert knowledge to acquire otherwise unrecognised treasures.

Having built up several specialised studies, he sold most of his collection in 1977 to members of the society, including the 2d Union buildings (which I bought), a silver medal airmail collection and wonderful shipping postmasters, which I admired but could not then afford. When asked why he was selling the collections he had so lovingly assembled he replied ‘Look John, if we now want to eat steak, we shall eat steak’, but added that he was keeping some studies, notably the coil stamps and revenues.

Whilst I was still in the RAF I wrote saying I had two meetings in London with a gap between them, and could I come and see him? By return he wrote ‘There is a bed for you here. Tea will be at four; don't be late or you will upset mother’. This was typical of their hospitality and the start of a long and lasting friendship with both of them and which I cherish. Vera was a wonderful lady.
Whilst the likes of Robbie Merson and Robert MacDougal were deep specialists in fairly narrow fields, RDA was a general Union specialist who could converse authoritatively over a wide range of topics. With a keen eye and a quizzical mind and a host of learned publishings, he was a giant in Union philately and pivotal to the success of our society over half a century, keeping it together over some difficult times. A generous man, he frequently donated the remainders of his club booklets and other duplicates ‘to be sold for club funds', raising many hundreds of pounds for the society. He served our society with distinction, a fact recognised by making him only our second life member, after Eric Sherwood our founder.

A warm hearted man, who sometimes displayed the crustiness of age, he was a good personal friend and mentor whom I was privileged to know; I shall miss him greatly. I was honoured to be asked to deliver a tribute to him at his memorial service. The society extends its condolences to his sons, Reg junior and Stan, and to their families. May he rest in peace re-united with his beloved Vera.
The Wicks Award
Collated by Chris Oliver
and Otto Peetoom

John Wicks - Member No 376 Joined 1959
Passed away in1969
His obituary by Reg Allen was included in The Springbok No 100

- The South African Philatelist July 1969, page 149
Note An obituary in July 1969 suggest the above month of August is incorrect

The passing of John Hermon Wicks has removed a significant figure from South African philately. John, as he was affectionately known to hundreds of philatelists here and overseas, was born in England and as a young man entered the tea trade. Before the War he lived is Assam and during war service in the Royal Navy he was stationed in the Persian Gulf; that war service proved ruinous to his health and after being discharged he came to South Africa a very sick man.

Wicks' Stamp Agency was founded by him in the early fifties to deal in and to auction stamps, the latter part of the business eventually demanding all his frail energies. Despite continuous ill-health, John's indomitable spirit enabled him to conduct the largest regular public stamp auctions in the Republic and many famous South African collections were dispersed through his agency. The last auction sale was held only two weeks before his death and, as so often during the last seventeen years, he was the auctioneer.

He will be much missed, not only by his wife Phyllis, who nursed him through so many bouts of great ill-health, but by innumerable devotees of our hobby to whom he was guide, confessor and friend. He was always willing to share his knowledge and to help the beginner and his fortitude in face of great handicaps was an example and an inspiration. Our sympathy is extended to his widow and to his parents in England.


The Wicks Award-Medal

In 1961 John E. Wicks, an auctioneer in Pietermaritzburg, in his tenth year in business he wished to present a prize to be awarded on or around
30 September each year to a worthy contributor of a written and published work on South African philately during the previous year.

Winners of the Wicks Award
1961 Dr Gordon R. Ward - posthumous award - The Ship Penny book
1962 A. Sterockx - Member 462
1963 W. A. Page
1964 R. J. Raubenheimer
1965 R. J. Lawrence
1966 R. B. Cronwright
1967 P. D. Haigh

In 1982 the rules were amended to confine the award to those members contributing a worthy article for The Springbok

1982 P. Cattell Ocean Penny Post
1983 W.A. Page S.A. Survey ship 'Agulhas'
1984 A.R. Chilton Union Postal Stationery
1985 W.A.E. Hall The KGV silver jubilee issue
1986 M. Leeman The Union Defence Forces in WW II
1987 F. Eustace Two articles on the ½d Springbok
1988 R.D. Allen, T.R. Brownrigg, E.W. Merriman, W. Grutter and W.A. Page
Special awards for contributions to The Springbok
1989 Dr C. Board What is an Interprovincial?
Continued in next column


M. Farrell Typographed 1d - issue one
R. Glanville-Jones The Design of Commemoratives by Henry de Wet
W. A. Page Various articles and M. Farrell The Typographed 1d
W.A. Page The SA War Train
F. Clark
W.A. Page Study of SA Weather Stations
W. J. Branney Study on the Flaws of the 5th definitive issue

A. Howgrave-Graham SWA Occupation period
W. J. Branney Analysis of flaws in the JIPEX sheets
A. R. Chilton RSA Booklets & RSA Postal Stationery

E. Bridges 1d Ship Studies
2002 G. Palazzo The Revenue Stamps of the Union of SA
2003 F.F. Heymann For Services as Editor

From 2004 the Award was made at the AGM

2004 A. Howgrave-Graham Registration marks of SWA
2005 E. Bridges Union Pictorials
2006 S. Payne 3d Hyphenated Pictorial Issue 5
2007 A. Howgrave-Graham Auction report & Studies on the 1/- pictorial
issues (Springbok No 1 7 No 4 with Morgan Farrell)
2008 A. Howgrave-Graham & Morgan Farrell jointly for Studies on the 1/- pictorial Roto issues
2009 Nicholas Arrow Flying Sixpence together with book on SA Airmails

2010 Giovanni Palazzo Revenue Stamps of the Republic of South Africa
2011 Nicholas Lindstrom Using Rotary Blade Damage to Study Union Stamps
2012 A. Howgrave-Graham 11th Row Flaws
2013 John Ahmed South African POW’s in Italy & Germany during WWII
2014 Otto Peetoom 1910 Capetown Pageant & 1950 2d Official reading up SG 035
2015 Jan van Beukering Union KGV Roll Stamps and SWA Cigarette Tax Stamps
2016 A. Howgrave-Graham Revenue Stamps of the Union 1910-46
M.J.H. Tonking, RDPSA Special award for regular contributions of small articles to The Springbok over a number of years
The Abell Trophy
Collated by Chris Oliver

F.C. Abell - Member No 45 Joined by 1952
Passed away in January 1961
A Tribute by Eric Sherwood was included in The Springbok No 48

F.C. Abell served on the committee from 1952 until shortly before his death in January 1961. In 1956 he proposed and subscribed to a trophy to be awarded annually for a competition comprising not more than nine sheets of philatelic material. Judged by those members present at the meeting, the venue alternates between London and Carlisle, usually at a September meeting.

Inscribed - Abell Trophy Competition

Winners of the Abell Trophy
1957 A.J. Brown Roto coil ½d stamp
1958 G.M. Whitten A study of Jipex & advertisement booklet panes
1959 R.J. Lawrence Study of 1½d gold mine, large format
1960 P. Haigh Photogravure printing tied with
R.J. Lawrence ½d multipositive flaws

G.M. Whitten Marginal Inscription varieties
1962 R. McDougall Study of doctor blade flaws on 1d ship issue
1963 R.J. Lawrence 2d issues I, II and III frame multipositives
1964 R. McDougall Cloven hoof flaws
1965 R.J. Lawrence Unhyphenated roto coils
1966 R.J. Lawrence A revised history of 17/9 1d ship multiflaw
1967 W.A. Page Plating the 1d monocoloured coil
1968 W.A. Page ½c Republican coils
1969 P. Haigh 2d hyphenated issue
1970 R.J. Lawrence ½d Springbok roll 14 & 14S

Continued in next column

1971 R. Massey 2d bantam postage due
1972 W.A. Page War Train Exhibition
1975 P. Haigh Issue 7A - 2d Union Buildings
1976 W. Hall Compact study of the Silver Jubilee issue
1977 R. Rapley 1925 Experimental Air Mail Service - covers etc.
1979 C.P. Ravilious
1980 D.C. Todd Maritime mail

1982 W.A. Page
1983 W.A. Page World War II A.P.O.’s.
1984 D.C. Todd Maritime mail
1985 W.A. Page WWII Internment Camps
1986 W.A. Page 2d Zebra
1987 A.R. Chilton WWII censor markings in S.W.A.
1988 R.D. Allen Coils R5 to R9
1989 R.D. Allen Coils of the fourth definitives
1990 (September) W.A. Page Darmstadt trials
1990 J. L. Shaw Study of 5/- Trek cart

1991 P. Cattell U.K. & S.A. P.O.’s between S’oton & Cape Town
1992 J. L. Shaw Silver Jubilee flaws study
1993 J. L. Shaw Study of Postage Dues
1994 J. L. Shaw 1d Unhyphenated Pictorials
1995 J. L. Shaw The Harrison Essays
1996 J. L. Shaw Study of the Mackennal head

1997 competition not held
1998 competition not held - one entry only

1999 J. L. Shaw Study of 5/- hyphenated Trek Cart
2000 J. L. Shaw Study of 2d unhyphenated Union Buildings

2001 E. Bridges 1d Ship studies
2002 E. Bridges S.A. booklets 1921 - 1941
2003 J.L. Shaw The first Postage Due issues of the Union
2004 W.J. Branney B21 Union booklet panels
2005 J.L. Shaw 5/- Ox Wagon definitive
2006 G. Palazzo Revenue Stamps used in Natal
2007 E. Bridges The Darmstadt Trials
2008 G. Palazzo Revenues of S.A.
2009 J.L.Shaw Union Postage Dues
2010 W.J. Branney Panes of the B20 booklets

2011 A.J. Howgrave-Graham
2012 Roy Ross 1½d Mine Dump colour variations
2013 E. Bridges The Darmstadt Trials
2014 R. Hill Cork Postmarks of the Cape
2015 Lyn Lester Kimberley Exhibition 1892
2016 Rob Lester Early Exhibitions
2017 A.J. Howgrave-Graham
Society Auctioneers Past and Present
Auctioneer From
S.G. Clark
R.J. Lawrence
Dr. R.W. Fincham
W. J. Branney

W. J. Branney
N. Arrow
No 393
No 279

No 587
No 901

No 1003
April 1970 to September 1971
September 1971 to August 1975
November 1975 to April 1999
April 1999 to November 2009
RSA only from 1996 to 1999
December 2009 to date
 Currently there is no information available on what date the first auction was conducted, nor is their any indication whether they were Postal or Public Auctions. Since the inception of the Annual Conference in 2002, a 'Live' Auction took place, but was not regarded as a 'Society' Auction and the foregoing were not numbered. That changed after Nick Arrow took over and certainly since Sale No 35 - the Annual 'Live' auction is numbered.
  Tony Howgrave-Graham commented
Eddie Bridges started the auctions at Chester by bringing half a dozen or so lots along and auctioning them - this grew into the Leamington auction.

I only took over the 'Leamington' auctions which were, and still are, run to help finance the November Joint Societies Conference
The first one was in 2007 when sales just tipped £1,000 and the last in 2012 when sales totalled a remarkable £25,980 - None however were numbered
T he numbering only applies to the SACS auctions. An Observation - This is not entirely correct, see further comment above.
Auction No
No lots
Type of Sale
Auction No
No lots
Type of Sale



March 2013
June 2013
November 2013
January 2014
June 2014
November 2014
January 2015



June 2015
November 2015
January 2016
June 2016
November 2016
May 2017

November 2017
Miscellaneous Items of Interest
A Long Forgotten S.A.C.S. Medal Reappears

A Long forgotten SACS Medal Reappears

Reg Allan wrote

My late father was deeply involved with the Society for many years and latterly as President.
Amongst his effects passed to me after the death of my brother was a medal apparently awarded to the society at the British Philatelic Exhibition in 1979. If the society has an archive I would be happy to send to somebody responsible.
I know the society gave dad many years of happiness.

I Replied

I knew your father and yes he had a lot of involvement with the Society. If you send the medal to me I will see that it finds the appropriate home & will also feature it on our website


Reg wrote Most of his personal stamp related medals are now with his grandson (my nephew)
I once wrote an article in "Springbok" about George VI Coronation stamps under the name "Alan Hardy Jnr". Get it? Allen R D !!!!!
Actually it was me that caused Dad to switch from Commonwealth to South Africa. I started on SA and Dad got fed up buying for me whilst I was away in the RAF and started for himself! I eventually sold my collection to somebody in SACS.

The Springbok Volume 28 No 2 Page 36 (1980) - BPE Report



Chris Oliver added to the above
Another medal was, I see, awarded to S.G. Clark who was a member from 1960 until 1988, during which time he was Hon Postal Auctioneer -
April 1970 to September 1971.
Reg Allen jnr. was a member from 1956 to 1968.
R.D.A. was a member from 1953 until his death in 2005 and, of course, held a number of offices in the society during that time.

Other Items of Interest

Nothing to do with the 70th but Interesting
The Springbok first issued in January 1953, which is old hat!
How many people are aware of The Springbok Volume I No 1 being issued in Cape Town in March 1921?

A Much Earlier Version of The Springbok March 1921
In January 2016 John Taylor from Manchester made contact with me
John wrote:
I thought you may be interested in a couple of photos of a copy of
'The Springbok.' Vol 1 No1 dated March 1921.
I recently came across the journal which was inside my Grandfathers
album containing a collection of old postcards and photographs, it
appears that my Grandfather was one of the early members.

Having done a little research the only information I can find so far
which may be connected to the journal in some way is 'The South
African Collectors Society'.
This also has a journal entitled "The Springbok", however looking at your website it seems that your first edition was in 1953.
Could it possibly be a forerunner to the existing society?

Unfortunately John sent me low resolution scans of the content which is difficuct to dechiper. It appears to include a list of their membership and on the last page the aims of the club are noted.

The only Club of its kind in Cape Colony
For all Collectors wishing to augment their collections of
Stamps, Postcards, Coins, Curios, etc. - Annual Subscription 4s
Our Quarterly Journal The Springbok - Issued free to all Members

On another page there is an announcement
The Closing date for No 2 of The Springbok will be 31st May 1921

Front Cover of
The Springbok

Published in Cape Town
March 1921

The Organ of the

South African World Wide Colectors' Association


In keeping with many of the fledgling journals published in South Africa during the early decades of the Twentieth Century, they often started with great gusto, faltered and became defunct...thus it would be no surprise if the 1921 publication succumbed to a similar fate.
What the Members Say

David Osborne Member 907 Joined 1990
Just to say being a relativity new member I cannot add much to the information request.
However I became treasurer in 2002 taking over from Ron West who was treasurer from May 1990 taking over from Norman Clowes.
The Auditor for 1989 accounts was P C Parker but apart from that there are a few letters from people in early 1990`s but not of much interest.

- After 27 years as a member, does that rate as 'relativity new'?

Tony Johnson Member 1133 Joined 2009
I am in the same situation as David - a fairly recent member who has no access to any earlier information - so there is nothing I can add. I hope someone can provide the information you need, though, as it would be a shame not to have it all in one place.

Brian Trotter Member 1039 Joined 2000
I have not really been an active member, and unfortunately have nothing to add. Great that you are trying to fill in the historical blanks.

Simon Peetoom Member 1123 Joined 2007
Said he has nothing to offer as he has not been a member for very long.


Dr Chris Board Member 725 Joined 1979
Of those with long memories who may be able to add something immediately I suggest contacting Bob Allison and John Shaw. I joined SACS in the 1970s.
W A Page was a committee member and active in the London group. R.D. Allen was chairman at the beginning of 1955.

However, I find that I bought volumes 3 to 8 in two privately bound volumes of The Springbok YEARS ago. All edited by Sherwood, who was both that and secretary it was a well-produced journal. with good quality photographs of mostly stamps or details. It was basically a Union society (forced to change in 1961 of course).

Membership numbers rose to a peak of 229 in 1954 and was affected by the loss of relapsed members in 1955 settling for a time at about 200. For the most part The Springbok contained articles about Union stamps, especially the 1926 pictorials. Notes about displays at group meetings show that there were members collecting postmarks and postal stationery as well.

Although each number of The Springbok gave changes in membership, lapsed, resigned, joined, rejoined, the AGM does not discuss membership or deliver totals across the year.

One interesting feature is the correspondence and what questions are raised, revealing an apparent lack of information at the time. Easy to see this 60 years later, when there is almost too much information.

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